Sat without words
did I
purposely positioning self
so as not to miss anything
so as not to be in the way
Observant was I
capturing each perfect moment
to replay such joy filled bliss
during moments I feel less than
I breathed in deep the love that clung
to every air particle
And savored every morsel
that passed these lips
for I knew all food was prepared
with care
It was like looking at a snow globe,
only I was privileged
to take part in the action
I was reminded of what Home
should feel like
reminded of how it can sound
no one left out
the second nature invitation
automatic inclusion felt surreal
I'm used to fading into the background
But here, such things weren't allowed
I haven't been touched so much
tightly hugged so much
in quite a while
Is it possible for one to forget how to hug?
clearly, I spend way too much time alone
this must change
I'm forgetting how to be social
I'm forgetting important parts of me
I'm forgetting there are some people interested
in what I perceive as my boring story,
yet appreciate that I am a work in progress
Sat without words
I did
purposely positioning self
so as not to miss anything
so as not to be in the way
but to better participate in the growing, beating cypher